Connecting Businesses, Building Relationships
The aim of the Finnish Business Network in Ireland is to advance and strengthen connections between Irish and Finnish businesses.
Whether you’re looking to explore opportunities with Finnish companies or are already involved with one, our network is here to support and enhance your business journey.
It was originally founded in 1988 as The Finnish Business Club, supported by businesses and organisations with a connection to Finland.
Our members include:
- employees of Finnish subsidiaries
- employees of any other Irish company representing Finnish business in Ireland or
- any other company or individual with an interest in developing business or trade between Finland and Ireland

Membership of the network will offer you and your company a positive forum to meet and associate with business people within Ireland who have active interests in trade between the two respective countries.
Join the Finnish Business Network and take part in our regularly organised meetings and seminars. Our social calendar ensures that networking opportunities in an informal environment are regular.
The Finnish Business Network is a member of FinnCham, connecting Finnish businesses with the world.
Networking with the Finnish Business Network in Ireland is your gateway to a business community in Finland. Our members are encouraged to attend our events, resulting in an ever-widening network of international business contacts.